I am wife to a magnificent man and mother to five wonderful children. Three of my children were born in the Northwest and two were born thousands of miles away in Liberia, West Africa. Birthplace is no matter, all of my children were born in my heart. This is our journey.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Not Me Monday

Not me Monday is a blog carnival hosted by Mckmama. She says that confession of our mommyhood shortcomings is a good thing and for today I am going to take her word for it. If you would like a good read, a great testimony of God's grace and some great photography you should head over to her blog. It's one of my favorites.

But on to the shameful aforementioned confessions. Drum roll please...

I did not convince my four year old that if he closed HIS eyes while using the bathroom that I could come in and get something and he would still be in private. Nope, not me because that wouldn't make sense.

I did not go with hubby and kids and use two carts and split the list so that we could get an extra turkey for the freezer. No way, no how, THAT would be shameless.

I did not tell my daughter that even if the president himself asked her to do something, she should still do what I asked her to do first. I did not do that because I am sure that our president would agree that putting sheets back on her bed is way more important than national security and that she would already know that.

And lastly, I most definitely did not have a screaming fit with my six year old during her panic attack when the computer was not working and then, in turn, tell her to go check and see if our combined fit throwing fixed the computer. And she most certainly did not go check. Nope not us.

Well that wraps it up for this week's Not Me Monday. Would you like to join in the fun? Hop on over to Mckmama's and see what it's all about.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

I LOVE IT! I especially love the last one about Emma and the computer fit, only because I have actually seen you act this out. Wonderful!