and a whole lot of excitement our home school experience begins. Just there to the left is the schoolroom. It doesn't have a name yet. I'd like to come up with the name with the aid of the kids. It's humble, our little room. It really is a skeleton waiting for it's guts. Not really a beautiful image but accurate none the less. My talented husband built this desk and set up the computers and related items. What a guy! Even little speadboat man has an area back there with rocking chair and cubbies. He has important work too you know.
It was about two years ago that we began thinking, praying and researching about homeschooling. It's not that we don't like public school. Public school has actually been very helpful and overall an enjoyable experience. We still have those two giggly girls attending there after all. But, for the older two, it just felt like it was time. These two kids are amazing young people. Watching all they have overcome and who they have become is truly inspiring. The time we have with them is passing by much too quickly, in my opinion. I have often been envious of the time the teachers have with them and have longed for their younger years back. Not the mounds of laundry, diapers, crayon on the walls or the curtains cut with the new child safe scissors mind you. Just the time with them. Although if it meant having all those things in order to get the time, I'd take them in a heartbeat. Our new school is an online academy. I am technically their learning coach and the title fits me quite comfortably. Although cheerleader may be more appropriate at times. Their actual time on the computer will vary and there will be much to complete separate from technology, much to my appreciation. In fact, if all goes well, we may add some siblings to the academy. This mom enjoys testing the waters first. Getting my wits about me if you will. It will be interesting and challenging, I have no doubt. I am not naive about the time that it will take nor the energy. But this I know, it will be worth it. I am sure of it and this is why. Are you ready for it? Wait, wait. Ahh, yes...
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
We love Him, are seeking Him and believe that we have heard the call. So, even if we miss the mark here or there (and we will), I believe that He is faithful and that what this verse says is true.
And you thought you were going to be let off without a biblical moral to the story? Ha! Sneaky I know. I'm like that sometimes.
You amaze your mother and me so much. [Are you adopted?] We have sometimes joked that homeschooling is what leads parents to eat their young. Wow, we pray a heaping portion of God's grace on your endeavor. Enjoy the journey.
I admire homeschool moms a great deal. They have this huge commitment they have made and they make the sacrifice daily. I know that If God has called you to this, He will enable you. I see the benefits of homeschooling. Our students at MCHS who have home schooled are great thinkers, able to analyze and self-motivate so much more than the public school kids seem able to. Bless you Angie!
Fawna Heath
Bless you. We know what an effort it is and also how rewarding it can be.
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