I mean, you know it's my blog and all so you see what I let you see. Most of the time we really do have a pretty easy going house though. Kids reading, working on projects or playing games. Maybe a kid or two outside riding bike but as my neighbors have seen from time to time it can break out into downright mayhem at the drop of a hat.
Without a moments notice the house phone can ring, someone will hit their head, the dog will get out and then the cell phone rings. Can I hear a "Calgon take me away" someone? It seems that these kinds of things happen all at once. Just when I get a phone call, almost without fail, someone needs me RIGHT. NOW. What is it about the phone that brings about more chaos than a buy one get one free sock sale the day after Thanksgiving? You would think at times we were running a zoo but thank goodness most of the time it isn't this way. My children obey and are reasonable people. But something about that little contraption that was invented to make our lives easier brings out the beast in my sweet children.
Picture with me, if you will, a calm quiet house. Two children are sleeping, three older children are about their own business. Pure bliss. Then the phone rings and like any good mother when I answer, I muster up my sweetest of syrupy phone voices and answer "Hello, home of the calmest children west of the Mississippi." And faster than you can spell M-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i, the kids blow my cover. Someone is bleeding and needs a bandaid, someone else has pulled someone's hair and again, the dog is out. Oh, for pity's sake. I believe that I should never, ever again answer the phone without another adult back-up. We train and train regarding phone etiquette but somehow a phone call for me is too much sharing of mom for them.
So if I don't answer the phone and we are home, please don't be offended. Really it's because I care about you. I believe that you deserve my undivided attention and at the moment I cannot give it to you. Do leave me a message though and I would be happy to return your call...when my children are not home. (Kidding, I most likely will return your call before then. Maybe. Do you have email?)
This post is another great blog blast topic from The Parent Bloggers sponsored by the generous people at Take Pride Adventure Learning.
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